Fountains Arts solar sells powered water pumps including 6 product lines:solar pond pump,solar fountain pumps, solar floating pump,solar air pumps,solar resin fountains, solar ceramic fountains .
Floating solar water pumps is the most efficient way of all of running a pump, as there is no wasted energy, the water does not need to be pumped from the bottom of the reservoir, thus conserving energy that can be used to power the pump.
solar oxygenator air pump for fish ponds Keeps Your Pond Water Clean and Clear. Using an Air Pump Increases Oxygen Levels in your pond, and also helps circulates the water, increasing aerobic bacteria that break down the organics
Water lift max: 1.2m,water projection height 0.6m, Water flow max:250LPH, The solar powered pond water pump with lead-acid battery fit for the small pond in your garden.
Water lift max: 2m,water projection height 1.4m, Water flow max:800LPH, This solar pond pump with battery backup fit for a large self-containner water features.
Floating Lotus Lily Solar water Fountain This water feature will float gracefully on your on your pond and will continue to work even when the sun has gone in.